Camels in the dark – strange mission of the police in Germany
Camels in the dark
Camels aren't just in the desert. Sometimes…

Drama of the day: Horse rescue from moor
Yesterday morning at about 10:30 a. m. the Kleve fire brigade…

Wenn Schwäne reisen – Schwanenfamilie verursacht Vollsperrung der A1
Man hört es immer wieder im Radio: Eine Autobahn wird beidseitig…

So cute: Police rescue Buzzard from motorway
Such a cute story: Police rescue a bird of prey on Thursday (16.…

Dormouse triggers police operation
A dormouse triggered a police operation in Heimsheim near Stuttgart,…

Squirrel Pippilotta – Braveheart of the Year!
"Help, I'm being chased by a squirrel!" With these words a man…

Summer-story of the day: Police rescue sheep from pool
It is a refreshing animal and summer story from Bavaria: Police…