Squirrel Pippilotta – Braveheart of the Year!
“Help, I’m being chased by a squirrel!” With these words a man called the police for help in Karlsruhe, Germany, early in the morning. The officers did not hesitate and sent a patrol to check whether the story was true.
And indeed, the police officers met a man who was persecuted by a small squirrel. The five to six-week-old animal had apparently fallen out of its nest and pursued the man in need. The small “guy” was severely dehydrated, weak and slightly injured in the eye.
The little animal was willingly caught by the police. Excerpt from the police report: “Squirrel becomes new mascot. We call it Karl-Friedrich.”
“Karl-Friedrich” was brought to the station under police supervision. There they made an “apartment” for the small animal in a cardboard box and handed it over to the wild animal rescue station. Big surprise: According to a veterinarian, the alleged male Karl-Friedrich is indeed a female. Because they are very impressed by the strength and will to survive of the squirrel, they now named it “Pippilotta” – that is one of the first names of the child heroine Pippi Longstocking.
In the meantime “Pippolotta” is better – it has already gained 30 grams and is being prepared for his release into nature in the coming week.
Source: Police Karlsruhe
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Journalist, Hörfunk-Autor, Podcast-Betreiber, Texter, Travel- und Hotel-Blogger, Fotograf und Content Creator
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